суббота, 2 февраля 2013 г.

Final global megatrends setter Declaration of past year.

воскресенье, 30 декабря 2012 г.

Final global megatrends setter Declaration. 
Hi dear ladies and gentlemen!
My name is Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov.
I was born on July, 31st, 1969. I'm 43 years old.
I live in the Republic of Moldova.
Before I was a successful financial manager...
Worked as tax planning adviser.
I was a wealthy businessman, had 11 real estate properties in Chisinau,
that now cost approximately 1 EUR mln.
So, 10 years ago I was rich and had money, but I had a revelation from
St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker.
Saint Nicholas of Myra (whom we know as Santa Claus),
who came to me as living spiritual creature.
I'm not a clairvoyant and I can not see the Future.
The essence of the testimony was:
St.Niсholas appeared to awake during day time, as a boy, young, and
said that it is easier for a camel to crawl through the eye of a
needle than a rich man into heaven, and said that I should spend all
of their assets in the upgrading projects of world Christianity and
Orthodox Christianity - and then after death will live in paradise.
I was an Orthodox Christian
and spent all I had for different charitable projects and monasteries.
And now I am homeless and a beggar.
I feel completely helpless and to work hard I am now completely unable
to. Sorry!
Previously, I was sure that I get to heaven.
And now I doubt that I was there waiting for the next world.
I have no money to live, not place to stay. I feel bad and unable to work.
I'm preparing for death, but I'm afraid to die...
Shall I die soon...?
I need help, help me, please!
10 years ago I had on my personal accounts
more than 200.000 dollars.
But I was forced (under emotional pressure) invest this money
in the charitable Christian project "st.Nicholas informative program ",
legally registered in the Republic of Moldova as NGO (NGO "st.Nicholas
informative program", "Trei Sfinti", "Treiunial").
They generated different movement, creating various arrogant actions & ideas
and have spent all. And now I do not have money for life, in general.
I asked the Lord, Principal God, Who is the Supreme, Superior Being,
Uppermost Force and the Owner of the Universe, all my spiritual and
physical friends, Christian saints and angels,
my guardian angels, Near & Dear Close to me reasonable spiritual
Creatures (Beings) to help me and to save me!
I shall be grateful for any help and assistance!
Now I think that White Fellows-Brothers & Warriors are real Creators (WFB&WC) of our world.
I must keep on loving 
WFB&WC when human happiness is lost. It's the
rejecting of everything that prevents love: hatred, offence, blame and
It's to see the will of 
WFB&WC in everything which is around.
Sure, I accept the will of 
WFB&WC & its divine positive meaning, which is
not always dependent on Me.
I understand the fact that any situation, however unjust and horrible
it may be, leads Me to 
WFB&WC and hence to love. It's a must!
There're many options, variants, ways to earn money - but in my case
it doesn't turn out...
But I have lice and don't have where to sleep at night-time.
A month ago I was severely beaten in the house of my girl-friend
Aurica Latescu (47 Calarash str., Chisinau) by two bandits Mihai and
Adrian. After it I spent several weeks at a hospital and recently came
And I'm in very complicated situation because of the
lack of money.
Yes I am; it has turned out, since I became an orphan,
that my situation has got hard & tough.
I have to work hard to survive. I appealed to them many times.
I am without the certain residence, spend night in apartments of my
friends or in the Internet-cafe,
or sometimes in the shelter (house) for homeless people.
And I eat sometimes a long loaf and pair of onion or garlic per day.
But it is necessary to survive.
And any incomes somehow are blocked on and stopped, and it linked with
my relatives, karma of my family.
It's happiness to be a mentally and physically healthy individual.
But practically every time I think to find some job option I feel that
enemies are inside of me.
Karma structures (programs) (linked and related to my cousin)
working steadily me to be beggar and poor and getting my  cousin way
to be richer.
If I could delete all this programs, I easily could be wealthy person.
But I'm very tired & would like to find out a concrete decision of my
problem. But i can not!
So I can explain everything and answer you
requests in English.
Maybe you could understand this topic and propose some help.
Perhaps such prominent and glamurous moldovan public figures as Vlad
Filat, Vladimir Plahotniuc, Nicolae Ciornii, Alexandr Pincevschii,
Valeriu Passat, Gabliel & Anatol Stati, Oleg & Vladimir Voronin, Mihai
Hotineanu must help me?
The Most Important & Principle God, Absolute, the Lord, Osho, (God) Pángǔ,
Puruşa, Yakro Puruşa, Yakrâş Illarionax, Gods Tangaroa,
Purusha, Unkulunkulu, Tiamat, Ymir are liars, but I've done too much
for them and for different churches and confessions. So, they must
think about me and my problems! As well as all orthodox and catholic
saints, martyrs and angels. They all push world to apocalypse, to
Armageddon, to catastrophe. They demand issuance of new editions of
different Holy Scriptures as Bible, Koran, भगवद्‌ गीता (Bhagavad Gītā)
etc., billions of copies of
different christian & religious magazines instead of food & bread for hungry
people as me all over the world. They (gods from heaven) want more
drugs, global control, star & nuclear wars, clones & artificial
people, new technologies, post industrial society, termination if life
on our Planet. They urge people to waste irrationally and
thoughtlessly precious natural resources as raw materials, iron ore,
gas, petrol, oil, wood etc. 
Now I think that White Fellows-Brothers & Warriors are real Creators (WFB&WC) of our world.
WFB&WC must lead the world. 
But different gods from heaven want playing-cards & casino games, gays everywhere.They (gods from heaven) push me to be spiritual healer & prophet as Jesus Christ, slave of my cousin and his friends in order to create in Moldova paradise for gays and lazy millionaires. Help me, please, to make peace with my cousin or at least not to
freeze and to keep warm from the cold outdoors!
I shall be gratefull for any help and assistance!
Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov. My mobile phone: 067612235.
b/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012, Republic of Moldova.
Already for over 15 years (since 1995 when I was involved in religion,
philanthropy & metaphysics) I have been religious and at the same time
continued scientific researches and development,
initiated by Academician N.A. Kozyrev and leading spiritual researches in
parallel with Russian healer S.N. Lazarev.
I'm not religious, but am very spiritual person at the moment.
I'm sensitive, sensual, committed to spiritual growth, developing every
moment I live my ESP possibilities, because I'm one of those gifted adults
who can see the human aura with the naked eye. I believe in a peaceful &
wonderful life.
For some time I worked as a medium and has developed my psychic or
spiritual awareness to the point where I can act as a go-between from the
spiritual realms to the physical realm.
If you are facing life challenges such as obesity, depression, neurotic &
mental problems, fears (phobia), alcoholism, drug addiction, homosexuality
- I am ready to assist you in solving them! We
have strayed so far from our spiritual origins that contemporary humanity
can be compared to a ship with a damaged engine and massive leaks in the
hull. There is no captain to guide it, and the crewmen are fighting among
themselves. Some of those on board have begun to become aware of their
situation, and are desperately appealing to the others to make peace among
themselves and begin repairs. However, they overlook the main danger; they
do not know that their ship is moving toward treacherous reefs, and that
even a repaired engine will not save it if its course remains unchanged.
We are now confronted with a threat even graver than that of nuclear war –
the disintegration of the soul. The most terrible losses are those that
pass unnoticed; death occurs first on the level of the energy field, and
only afterwards on the physical level. This process is almost at a critical
stage, since our present spiritual state will soon be transformed into the
bodies of our children and grandchildren. Thus, the more our spiritual
selves suffer, the more harm will be done to their physical and mental
The information which I have amassed regarding the bioenergetic structures
of mankind is indeed of a critical nature.
The spiritual potentials accumulated throughout the ages by saints, seers,
and founders of world religions are now almost completely exhausted; the
resulting lack of strategic consciousness presents a serious danger.
Unfortunately, instead of using bioenergetics to comprehend our world and
avoid future difficulties, we are wasting its enormous potentials on
trivial, short-term problems. We are approaching a critical moment at which
we must choose between spiritual rebirth and total annihilation.
Our only salvation is individual spiritual effort. We are all responsible
for the lives of others and for that of the universe.
An analogy might be helpful. A would-be driver comes to a driving school
where he is confronted with a teacher who begins the lesson by blindfolding
him. He then lets him take the wheel, helps him put his foot on the gas
pedal, and lets him drive off on his own. As bizarre as this situation may
sound, similar instruction is being offered nowadays at numerous schools of
«extrasensory abilities», where the courses are short and the tuitions are
high. It is difficult to make a distinction among these schools. To return
to our driving school analogy, the instructors may use different makes of
automobiles with various engine capacities, but the process itself is the
same. These instructors do not seem to understand that the course should
begin with learning the rules of the road and how an automobile functions.
Entering the sphere of bioenergetics without serious preparation or a clear
understanding of the world around us is perhaps even more dangerous than
driving blindfolded. My researches, then, presents the «rules of the road» for
the world of the spirit.
We all are filled with a sense of purpose. Some are trying to improve
people's health through a greater understanding of herbs and sound
nutrition. Some are working to dispel the fear of death. Others are
establishing self-reliant communities that can function without electricity
and modern technology. Some work to foster more creative and harmonious
ways to solve problems of human interactions.
The Universal Mind is the consciousness of God and pervades all space in
the universe. It also pervades all living beings on the earth plane.
Universal Laws are decreed by the Divine Mind. These laws operate alike on
all planes, and are extremely simple. The purpose of Universal Law is to
ensure progressive gradations or cycles of evolution. You shall not impose
yourself on another individual; nor shall you inflict your vibrations upon
those of another. Like attracts like etc. We can use any natural object,
being, or animal whose energy we feel closely associated with. Nature
Totems help us understand how the spiritual is manifesting within our
natural life. When we pay attention to a Nature Totem, we are honouring the
essence that lies behind it. As we open up and attune to that essence, we
can understand our own life circumstances more clearly. We can share in its
power or "medicine."
One more caveat: since my goal is to treat this topic in detail, I must
offer some information on the techniques for entering bioenergetic field
structures. However, I do not recommend that my readers attempt these
exercises on their own. Light-minded attempts to reproduce these
experiments would be dangerous to anyone undertaking them, and they would
present a danger to their loved ones as well. The exercises are only
intended for those with the necessary abilities and the proper training.
One last note: Some of my readers will find unexpected and unusual
information in this book, perhaps even seeming to border on the fantastic.
Please bear in mind that, however incredible the facts and ideas here may
seem, they are all based on scientific research, and all the conclusions
were repeatedly double-checked and re-validated during many years of
experiments. I consider that many actions, changes, trends,
international development
programs & projects have to be elaborated, processed & effectuated for
coloured people & blacks for their cultural, economical, spiritual,
financial, religious progress & growth all over the world! It is a must!
I repent I'm sorry and I ask forgiveness for all my brutal, violent,
aggressive, negative actions and deeds, which I've done in all my
Boys and girls! I do really appreciate your attention.
So I can explain everything and answer your requests in English.
Maybe you could understand this topic and propose some help. I wish
me, as well as to every warrier of mine, who does really merit
it to be as soon as it possible a cute sporty muscle boy (guy, man) having sex.
So, I invite in my team new fighters, warriors, soldiers, shooters,
archers, swordsmen, brothers, even kids, who are ready to fight for
Be a friend of Mine, I'll share some Wisdom with You! Hey folks, all
my friends! Restore, please, completely in my mouth all my natural
original teeth as I had when I was young. Make them like they (my
teeth) I had had in young age, adolescence (teenage). I want to have
healthy, beautiful, strong, clean, white teeth!
I wish me to have big money, my house or flat and many true friends,
being a guy of mucho style of
behavior. Составил это я, Владислав Георгиевич Богачёв
(Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov). My Near & Dear close to me reasonable creatures (beings) and those
Creatures who are frendly to Me are obliged to work hard.
My name is Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov.
It was my public profile in 2005-2007:
I (я, Владислав Георгиевич Богачёв (Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov) и каждый боец, войник, воин, солдат, стрелок, лучник, рубака, пацан и братан меня составляющий и входящий в конфигурацию paţanî-bratanî) try to be cheerful, joyful, interesting, fervent, nice and if it is
necessary for my survival and development - the fighter and even the
worrier, strong, proof and precise, but, whenever possible,
correct and adequate. Cool, huh? I'm a joyfull, handsome, interesting,
developing, sporty guy, macho-style of behavour.
I want to have good, reliable, strong, cute, nice, interesting friends
in different counries of the World. I'm working hard on my
clairvoyant, intuitive, feeling side in an effort to become a more
wholer, integral person.
I'm sincere, loyal, descrete & confident!
My interests include all types of sports from bicycling to boating & sailing.
Walking in the park also could be pleasant.
I (я, Владислав Георгиевич Богачёв (Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov) и каждый боец, войник, воин, солдат, стрелок, лучник, рубака, пацан и братан меня составляющий и входящий в конфигурацию paţanî-bratanî)enjoy the outdoors as well as quiet time at home just watching a movie.
I dislike nagging, constant mood swings, nitpicking, dishonesty.
I like fire-places & good wines.
Sometimes I'm also intrested in reading & viewing science fiction (as
Ray Bradbury, Paul Anderson etc.).
I like touching, hugs & kisses, massage.
I'm sensitive, sensual, committed to spiritual growth.
I like to go on cruises, anything involving water, foreign travel.
I like to laugh and know you're happy when I can harmoniously make you
smile & laugh also.
When I was a teenager I went in for taekwon-do and was a model-boy.
I dreamed to become a test-pilot...
I have never had any children, consider it's not a must and don't want
to have any in future.
Enjoy fitness, the sea, the beach, picnics; also quiet, intimate times.
Sometimes I enjoy playing piano & guitar, candlelight, dinners.
I'm a light social drinker. I'd like to develop my feeling of the
successful colour: RED or BLACK! I'm very casual, enjoy wearing
T-shorts & shorts -weather permitting.
Consider the most important think is to be happy & enjoy spending time
together with friends. I'm fond of outdoor recreation, love being near
the ocean.
I value better to be optimistic and full of energy than ugly.
I (я, братан Владислав Георгиевич Богачёв (Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov) и каждый боец, войник, воин, солдат, стрелок, лучник, рубака, пацан и братан меня составляющий и входящий в конфигурацию paţanî-bratanî) like dancing, horseback riding, enjoy new pleasant experiences, but no drugs!
Chillout, searching fun. In my childhood I dreamt to be a real young,
cute teenager and stable stocky, athletik, short is better than tall,
attractive, blonde, wellbuilt.
I like attending, festivals, carniavals, pacifist's actions, folk &
I'm fun-loving, easy going & have a good sense of humour, lead a
healthy lifestyle, open-minded.
I consider myself to be a creative, soft, attentive, clever,
well-dressed, romantic, intelligent, gentle guy. I know how to listen
& respond,
I'm tender and will respect your feelings, "love me tender & true!"
I dream to buy a 26-meter sailing yacht for world travel.
I enjoy the solitude of nature, action movies & suspense thrillers.
As I said, I'm without children & plan none.
I'd like to meet a slender natural girlfriend, who shares the similar
interests, non-drug user, trust worthy, honest & realistic.
I'm an adjustable person, in excellent health.
I know that the eyes are the window to human's soul and will enjoy
gazing into yours. Let's begin and see what happens.
I'm seeking a friend who would choose wisdom over experiency,
substance over fashion friend before work; who views a relationship
also as a chance to grow & help grow.
I want to be both wealthy & financially secured.
Take a moment to relax.
Before you do anything rash.
Don't you wanna know me?,
Be a friend of mine.
I'll share some wisdom with you.
Don't you ever get lonely,
From time to time
Don't let the system get you down!
I am new to the area!
I am laid back and soft spoken but I am by no means a shy person. I
would say that I have rich sense of humour but I am no a comedian.
I try to stay in shape by running and doing other exercises but I am
no fitness freak...
I'm not religious, but am very spiritual person.
I belive in a peaceful & wonderful life.The Most
Important & Principle God, the Lord, Osho, (God) Pángǔ, Puruşa, Yakro
Puruşa, Yakrâş Illarionax, Divine Mind, Gods Tangaroa, Purusha,
Unkulunkulu, Tiamat, Ymir are liars, generally shit, cock-suckers,
condoms, mother-fuckers, gays & homosexuals! As well as all orthodox
and catholic saints, martyrs and angels.
Demon Satan, st. Feofan Zatvornik (Podpeozdyk), St. Luke (Gay-Lyuke
Sky-walker, Baronessa), St.George (George Averi), st.Nicholas
(Sicofant, Steven), st.Ignatie Breanceaninov, st.Ioan Kronshtadsky are
generally liars, shit, cock-suckers, condoms, mother-fuckers, gays &
homosexuals, who owe me big dollars! They lead me to death. They owe
me millions of euro &
dollars as compensation for all their crimes.
They all push world to apocalypse, to Armageddon, to catastrophe. They
(gods from
heaven) want more drugs, global control, star & nuclear wars, clones &
artificial people, new technologies, post industrial society,
termination of life on our Planet. 

About God, the Lord, Who is the real Owner of our Universe and My Near
& Dear close to me reasonable creatures (beings).
Some info about my Future & my Destiny Creating Creatures (beings) and
my Guardian Angels - 2005-2007:
The God owes me money.
What shall I do now??
I need money & flat.
Since God, Lord,
Creator, is the symbol of the greatest love in the Universe.
God must pay me money (big $$$).
It's a must! I've done too much for him. Earlier I already wrote it.
When some years you live only by spirituality, EI development, magic etc.
you waste for own spiritual searches your earnings, later it is very
hard to be adjusted to earning money, working as businessman.
There are many options, variants, ways to earn money - also it is
possible both as FOREX dealer and playing in casino.

So, I invite in my team new fighters, warriors, soldiers, shooters, archers, swordsmen, brothers, even kids, who are ready to fight for me.
Be a friend of Mine, I'll share some Wisdom with You!
I wish me to have big money, my house or flat and many true friends, being a guy of mucho style of
For some time I worked as a medium and has developed my psychic or
spiritual awareness to the point where I can act as a go-between from
the spiritual realms to the physical realm.
If you are facing life challenges such as obesity, depression,
neurotic & mental problems, fears (phobia), alcoholism, drug
addiction, homosexuality - I am ready to assist you in solving them!
I use biological methods of therapy
and energy-informational correction of the patient's bio-energetical field
(aura & etheric body of the person).
In order to help you and to solve your problems with health and
well-being I am ready to pick up the relevant strengths of prayer,
Positive Affirmations & meditation, working on high-performance
decoding of deep energetical fields & karma structures.
I can propose to patients the unique help
in healing of heavy, complicated diseases "on a turn-key basis",
untill full clinical remission
(i.e. till full recovery of health).
In some cases, I will help you in Self-Healing of severe diseases like
liver cirrhosis, leukemia and cancer. Human body repairs itself. I can
just initiate the proсess & proceedings to perform a spiritual healing
by allowing energy to work through your body.
In case if you can pay enough (payment, financial compensation),
I am ready to propose serious treatment of non-operable cases
of cancer and AIDS. Using new strong prayers & meditations I can heal
and cure different health and behavior problems.
The decision of any energoinformational problems,
I can remove aura-damage and malefice,
I can tell about your past experience and future.
Moreover I could be your personal Guide to Healing Through the Human
Energy Field
helping you to protect yourself from negative energies with a simple
spiritual grounding exercise.
I can also hold some sessions of massage and wellness for the complete
energy correctionof your bio-field (aura and the etheric body) with
the purification of various
energetical problems, troubles & lesions, such as evil eye, damage,
damnation,wraith, zombie, encryption, vampirism.
I can use the energy of my hands or can send the healing energy out
through my third eye (forehead), being aware of any colours you
observe or any images you receive. So, have a technique for healing
others from a distance. I can help patients to overcome insomnia,
control their weight, stop smoking, increase their productivity,
utilize the intuitive powers, and gain greater peace of mind.
Each of us has undergone many earthly lives. Every soul wishes to
avoid returning to the earth plane as a baby and wasting the unneeded
learning time of childhood. But can not...
We all are filled with a sense of purpose. Some are trying to improve
people's health through a greater understanding of herbs and sound
nutrition. Some are working to dispel the fear of death. Others are
establishing self-reliant communities that can function without
electricity and modern technology. Some work to foster more creative
and harmonious ways to solve problems of human interactions.
The Universal Mind is the consciousness of God and pervades all space
in the universe. It also pervades all living beings on the earth
plane. Universal Laws are decreed by the Divine Mind. These laws
operate alike on all planes, and are extremely simple. The purpose of
Universal Law is to ensure progressive gradations or cycles of
evolution. You shall not impose yourself on another individual; nor
shall you inflict your vibrations upon those of another. Like attracts
like etc. We can use any natural object, being, or animal whose energy
we feel closely associated with. Nature Totems help us understand how
the spiritual is manifesting within our natural life. When we pay
attention to a Nature Totem, we are honouring the essence that lies
behind it. As we open up and attune to that essence, we can understand
our own life circumstances more clearly. We can share in its power or
In my practice I use herbal medicine and widely recommend the use of
medicinal plants.
I'm ready also to assist you to carry out detoxification of your body
of toxins, as well as to conduct fasting using methods of Paul Bragg.
Good luck! In physicsradiation is a process in which energetic particles or energetic waves travel through vacuum, or through matter-containing media that are not required for their propagation. Waves of a massive medium itself, such as water waves or sound waves, are usually not considered to be forms of "radiation" in this sense. By contrast, gravitational waves, which are waves of space-time itself, qualify as a type of radiation. Two energies ofradiation are commonly differentiated by the way they interact with normal chemical matter: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The nuclear properties of plutonium-239, as well as the ability to produce large amounts of nearly pure Pu-239 more cheaply than highly enriched weapons-grade uranium-235, led to its use in nuclear weapons and nuclear power stations. Thefissioning of an atom of uranium-235 in the reactor of a nuclear power plant produces two to three neutrons, and these neutrons can be absorbed by uranium-238 to produce plutonium-239 and other isotopes. Plutonium-239 can also absorb neutrons and fission along with the uranium-235 in a reactor. Of all the common nuclear fuels, Pu-239 has the smallest critical mass. A spherical untampered critical mass is about 11 kg (24.2 lbs),[1] 10.2 cm (4") in diameter. Using appropriate triggers, neutron reflectors, implosion geometry and tampers, this critical mass can be reduced by more than twofold. This optimization usually requires a large nuclear development organization supported by a sovereign nation.
The fission of one atom of Pu-239 generates 207.1 MeV = 3.318 × 10−11 J, i.e. 19.98 TJ/mol = 83.61 TJ/kg.
 The energy released from a nuclear weapon detonated in the troposphere can be divided into four basic categories:
However, depending on the design of the weapon and the environment in which it is detonated the energy distributed to these categories can be increased or decreased. The blast effect is created by the coupling of immense amounts of energy, spanning the electromagnetic spectrum, with the surroundings. Locations such as submarine, surface, airburst, or exo-atmospheric determine how much energy is produced at blast and how much as radiation. In general, denser media around the bomb, like water, absorb more energy, and create more powerful shockwaves while at the same time limiting the area of its effect.
When an airburst occurs lethal blast and thermal effects proportionally scale much more rapidly than lethal radiation effects, as higher and higher yield nuclear weapons are used.[2]
The physical-damage mechanisms of a nuclear weapon (blast and thermal radiation) are identical to those of conventional explosives. However, the energy produced by a nuclear explosive is millions of times more powerful per gram and the temperatures reached are briefly in the tens of millions of degrees.
Energy from a nuclear explosive is initially released in several forms of penetrating radiation. When there is a surrounding material such as air, rock, or water, this radiation interacts with and rapidly heats it to an equilibrium temperature (i.e. so that the matter is at the same temperature as the atomic bomb's matter). This causes vaporization of surrounding material resulting in its rapid expansion. Kinetic energy created by this expansion contributes to the formation of a shockwave. When a nuclear detonation occurs in air near sea level, much of the released energy interacts with the atmosphere and creates a shockwave which expands spherically from the hypocenter. Intense thermal radiation at the hypocenter forms a fireball and if the burst is low enough, its often associated mushroom cloud. In a burst at high altitudes, where the air density is low, more energy is released as ionizing gamma radiation and x-rays than an atmosphere-displacing shockwave.
In 1942 there was some initial speculation among the scientists developing the first nuclear weapons that there might be a possibility of igniting the Earth's atmosphere with a large enough nuclear explosion. This would concern a nuclear reaction of two nitrogen atoms forming a carbon and an oxygen atom, with release of energy. This energy would heat up the remaining nitrogen enough to keep the reaction going until all nitrogen atoms were consumed. This was, however, quickly shown to be impossible, due to inverse Compton effect cooling of the fireball.[3] Nevertheless, the notion has persisted as a rumour for many years.
Now I think that White Fellows, Brothers & Warriors are real Creators (WFB&WC) of our world.
I like this prayer:
"Oh, Dear WFB&WC, the Lords! Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
My Love to WFB&WC is the Supreme happiness and joy for me!
I'd like to be a friend and assistent to WFB&WC, to the Lords, to the
Owners of the Universe!
I repent I'm sorry and I ask forgiveness for all my brutal, violent,
aggressive, negative actions and deeds, which I've done in all my
Dear WFB&WC, the Lords!
You see everything, You know me better than I know myself; You can do
everything, and I love You! Give me the light, the grace and the power
of Your Energy, of the Holy Spirit!
I must keep on loving WFB&WC when human happiness is lost.
It's the rejecting of everything that prevents love: hatred, offence,
blame and dejection.
It's to see the will of WFB&WC in everything which is around.
Sure, I accept the will of WFB&WC & their divine positive meaning, which is
not always dependent on Me.
I understand the fact that any situation, however unjust and horrible
it may be, leads Me to WFB&WC and hence to love. Since WFB&WC, Lords,
Creators, is the symbol of the greatest love in the Universe.
So, I guess that we must love our WFB&WC with our whole heart and with
our whole soul and with our whole mind and with our whole strength.
Because They are good & great, They are Kings of those who rule as kings
and Lords of those who rule as lords, the one alone having immortality,
who dwells in unapproachable light, whom not one of men has seen or
can see. To Them be honor and might everlasting! Now to the Kings of
eternity, incorruptible, invisible, the only be honor and glory
forever and ever.
Dear Lords! Be a tender Brothers to me and protect me wherever I am, like the apple
of Your eye.
Make me always a worthy son; have mercy on me!

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